Amiga Format CD 24
Amiga Format AFCD24 (Feb 1998, Issue 108).iso
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Text File
279 lines
; $VER: Whools-Installer Version 1.4 by Philip Steffan (8.6.97)
; -------------------------------------------------------------
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #introduction
(cat "\n\nDieses Skript installiert\nW·H·O·O·L·S\n auf Ihrer Festplatte. "
"\n\n\nWhools © 1996/97 by Pointed Ear Software Design."
(set #askdir-help
(cat "Wählen Sie das Verzeichnis, in dem Whools installiert werden soll. "
"\nEin Unterverzeichnis namens \"Whools\" wird automatisch erstellt. "
(set #icon-help
(cat "Wenn Sie MagicWorkbench (© Martin Huttenloher) benutzen, installieren "
"Sie bitte die mitgelieferten achtfarbigen Piktogramme für die Anleitung "
"und das Whools-Hauptprogramm. "
"\nAußerdem sind Piktogramme im NewIcons-Stil mitgeliefert. Um diese zu "
"nutzen, müssen sie aber den NewIcons-Patch installiert haben."
(set #wohin
(cat "Wo soll das \"Whools\"-Verzeichnis erstellt werden ?"
(set #iconstyle
(cat "Wählen Sie Ihren bevorzugten Piktogramm-Stil."
(set #wannasource
(cat "Wollen Sie die Quelltextdateien kopieren? (Aus Platzmangel nicht in diesem Archiv)"
(set #asklibs
(cat "Die benötigte \"ptreplay.library\" wird nach LIBS: kopiert."
(set #libs-help
(cat "\"Whools\" benutzt die \"ptreplay.library\" für das Abspielen der Musik. "
"Installieren Sie die mitgelieferte Version nur, wenn Sie keine neuere "
"Version besitzen. "
"Bitte lesen Sie die Textdatei \"ptreplay.readme\" für weitere Informationen."
(set #source-help
(cat "Die mitgelieferten Quelltextdateien sind für Assembler-Programmierer "
"gedacht, die an programminternen Funktionen interessiert sind. Für "
"das eigentliche Spiel werden diese Dateien nicht benötigt."
(set #endmsg1
(cat "\"Whools\" wurde erfolgreich installiert und befindet sich im Verzeichnis\n\n "
(set #endmsg2
(cat "\n\nWollen Sie jetzt die Anleitung lesen ?"
(set #nomultiview
(cat "\nMultiview konnte nicht gefunden werden."
; if not deutsch then use english (locale texts welcome!)
(set #introduction
(cat "\n\nThis script will install\nW·H·O·O·L·S\n on your harddisk. "
"\n\n\nWhools © 1996/97 by Pointed Ear Software Design."
(set #askdir-help
(cat "Choose the directory you want Whools to be installed in. "
"\nA subdirectory called \"Whools\" will be created automatically. "
(set #icon-help
(cat "If you use MagicWorkbench (© Martin Huttenloher), please install the "
"supplied 8-color icons for the Whools guide and executable files. "
"\nThis package also contains NewIcons-style icons. Please note "
"that you have to have the NewIcons patch installed to use them. "
(set #wohin
(cat "Where do you want the \"Whools\" drawer to be created ?"
(set #iconstyle
(cat "Select your preferred icon style."
(set #wannasource
(cat "Do you want to copy the source code files? (Not included due to lack of space)"
(set #asklibs
(cat "Copying the needed \"ptreplay.library\" to LIBS:."
(set #libs-help
(cat "\"Whools\" uses the \"ptreplay.library\" to play its game music. "
"Please install the included version only if you do not have a newer "
"version installed. "
"Have a look at the text file \"ptreplay.readme\" for further information."
(set #source-help
(cat "The included source code files are intended to help assembler "
"programmers who are interested in internal program functions. "
"They are not needed for playing the game itself. "
(set #endmsg1
(cat "\"Whools\" has been successfully installed to \n\n "
(set #endmsg2
(cat "\n\nDo you want to read the guide file now?"
(set #nomultiview
(cat "\nMultiview was not found."
; the fun has just begun...
(message #introduction)
(complete 0)
; now let´s set the dir...
(set #zieldir
(prompt #wohin)
(help #askdir-help)
(default "Ram:")
(set #root #zieldir)
(set #zieldir (tackon #zieldir "Whools"))
(set #quelle "")
(set #guide (tackon #zieldir "Whools.guide"))
; which icons would you like with the hors d´oevre, madame ?
(set @auswahl
(prompt #iconstyle)
(help #icon-help)
(choices "Workbench-Standard" "MagicWorkbench" "NewIcons")
(default 1)
; getting tough now: The source files or not the source files!!!
(set #scfiles
(prompt #wannasource)
(help #source-help)
; first of all copy the library
; (exists "LIBS:")
; (copylib (prompt #asklibs)
; (help #libs-help)
; (source (tackon #quelle "libs/ptreplay.library"))
; (dest "LIBS:")
; (confirm)
; )
; go on make the dir if it had not existed before (f... the tempus rules)
(= (exists #zieldir) 0)
(makedir #zieldir)
(complete 15)
; now copy all the junk
(set #pattern "Whools#?")
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #zieldir) (pattern #pattern))
(complete 25)
(set #pattern "data")
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #zieldir) (pattern #pattern))
(complete 85)
(if (= #scfiles 1) ; The user said yip!
((set #pattern "Sour#?")
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #zieldir) (pattern #pattern))
(complete 95)
; Now copy the icons ... and here she goes!
(if (= @auswahl 0) ;i.e. Standard :-<
((set #icon "Standard.info")
(set #quelle (tackon #quelle "icons"))
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #root) (choices #icon))
(rename (tackon #root "Standard.info") (tackon #root "Whools.info"))
(set #pattern "Whoo#?")
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #zieldir) (pattern #pattern))
(if (= @auswahl 1) ;i.e. MagicWB :->
((set #icon "Icons.info")
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #root) (choices #icon))
(rename (tackon #root "Icons.info") (tackon #root "Whools.info"))
(if (= @auswahl 2) ;i.e. NewIcons :-|
((set #icon "NewIcons.info")
(set #quelle (tackon #quelle "icons"))
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #root) (choices #icon))
(rename (tackon #root "NewIcons.info") (tackon #root "Whools.info"))
(set #pattern "Whoo#?")
(copyfiles (source #quelle) (dest #zieldir) (pattern #pattern))
(complete 100)
(set #readguide
(prompt (cat #endmsg1 #zieldir #endmsg2))
(help #endmsg2)
(if (= #readguide 1)
(run "run SYS:UTILITIES/MULTIVIEW" #guide)
(message #nomultiview)
(exit (quiet))